Private Equity

Delivering attractive returns and steady distributions by investing in the champions of tomorrow

About Private Equity

We focus on building theme-driven portfolios based on profitability and strong growth 

What we do


Our secondaries portfolios are designed to deliver an optimised balance of high multiple, high IRR and accelerated cash payback


Our Article-8 compliant Directs programme provides global exposure to the market leaders of tomorrow, whose growth is underpinned by long-term trends


We have long relationships with established mid-market fund managers and investing in next generation managers has been a focus of our private equity strategy since the 1990s

Climate impact

With more than 14 years of impact experience, we are a pioneer in managing Article-9 compliant portfolios of companies providing solutions to the climate challenge

Tailored solutions

We have been providing tailored solutions to clients for over 20 years and have expertise in delivering a range of flexible options, including evergreen and liquid portfolios 

Asset Under Management
$ 0 bn
Team members
0 +
Years of evolution
Distributed in the past two years
$ 0 bn

How we invest

We have been successfully investing in private equity in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific for more than 30 years, delivering attractive returns across market cycles.

We seek exposure to the market leaders of tomorrow by strictly targeting companies with specific company characteristics. For each investment opportunity, we conduct a rigorous due diligence process, including ESG analysis and AI-driven scoring that ensures only the very best opportunities make the cut.

Our focus is on companies with attractive financial fundamentals, including recurring revenues, robust EBITDA margins and high cash conversion, resulting in sustainable top line growth.

Investment themes

All our investments are driven by seven themes we believe will drive returns for investors over the long term:
  • climate transition
  • resource efficiency
  • sustainable cities
  • service efficiency
  • future of work
  • personal wellbeing
  • healthcare re-engineered

A global team

Private equity depends on the expertise of its people. With an average of 18 years’ investment experience, our global team of private equity professionals – one of the largest in the mid-market – works across Europe, North America and Asia Pacific to source opportunities and manage portfolios for our clients. 

This team is backed by an Investment Committee with an average tenure at Unigestion of over 24 years and supported by a highly-qualified Independent Industry Advisory Board which has decades of experience across industries and geographies.


ESG has become an increasingly important part of our investment process since 2010 and we have nine dedicated ESG ‘champions’ integrating ESG considerations across our funds and direct investments.

From research and sourcing, to analysis and engagement, they work to harmonise our ESG approach and monitor progress. Read more about Unigestion’s approach to ESG in our Responsible Investment section.

Harnessing technology

We believe that data and technology are indispensable in the modern investment landscape, enabling us to expand our investment universe – creating smarter, faster, and more efficient investment practices that ultimately enhance returns and reduce risks.

Our team of expert analysts and data scientists has leveraged years of industry experience and extensive data sets to develop a suite of advanced tools actively used by our private equity investment professionals in their investment processes.

Discover how our commitment to research and technology sets us apart in the dynamic world of private equity investing, providing you with the knowledge and resources to make informed, strategic investment decisions.


Unigestion's 'Next Generation Manager' platform

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