Unigestion adds to European private equity distribution team

Unigestion adds to European private equity distribution team

Markus Becker

Markus Becker

Principal, Private Equity

Unigestion adds to European private equity distribution team

Unigestion, the independent asset manager, has expanded its distribution capabilities in Germany with the appointment of Markus Becker.

Markus, who has 25 years’ experience in institutional asset management, has joined Unigestion as Principal, Private Equity, and is based in Düsseldorf.

Since winning its first German client in 1996, Unigestion has consistently grown its local investor base and currently manages some €6bn AUM in private equity and equities for German institutional investors. Markus will work alongside Florian Rehm, Head of Distribution for Germany and Austria, to further build Unigestion’s institutional private equity client base in Germany.

Markus has joined Unigestion from Fisch Asset Management, where he worked for more than seven years as Senior Sales & Relationship Management Director for Germany. He has also held senior distribution roles at other European asset managers, including Allianz Global Investors and Invesco.

Paul Newsome, Partner and Head of Investment Solutions, at Unigestion, said: “We are delighted to welcome Markus to Unigestion. He has established a strong reputation among institutional investors in Germany and will certainly help us expand in our largest market.”

Florian Rehm, Head of Distribution for Germany & Austria, at Unigestion, said: “There is significant scope for us to further increase our market share in Germany and Markus’s experience will enable us to tap into these    opportunities. We are very happy to welcome him to the team.”

Markus Becker, Principal, Private Equity, at Unigestion, said: “Unigestion has a tremendous track record in mid-market private equity across secondaries, directs, emerging managers and climate impact. I am delighted to join the company and work with the team to support its growth ambitions.”


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