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- Private equity
- Papers
In contrast to liquid equities, private equity is characterised by scarce and low-frequency data with limited past history of observations. Consequently, while machine learning has gained widespread adoption in the analysis and forecasting of public equities returns, its application in private markets is more problematic.
- Wealth management
- Papers
After a decade of zero interest rate monetary policies that ended in a bloodshed for bond investors in 2022, the investment landscape has finally returned to a more traditional backdrop: higher rates and more attractive fixed income. Goldilocks and TINA (There Is No Alternative) are now gone and investors need to rethink asset allocation accordingly: fixed income, a long-time-no-see asset class is back in fashion and has a lot to offer in the next few years, especially compared to its riskier equity counterparts.
- Private equity
- Papers
Despite anecdotal reports of scattered deal doing, the odd headline-grabbing exit and multiple fund managers on the road fundraising, the overall market data continues to show subdued activity.
The post-COVID heights reached in 2021 remain a distant memory. Investment activity in Q3 was stable vs Q2 but the overall year-to-date is almost 40% down vs the same period last year.
- Private equity
- Events
During our webinar, ‘Secondaries in an AI world’, Paul Newsome, Head of Portfolio Management, was joined by Ralph Büchel, Head of Secondaries, Marco Perfetto, Associate, and David Ng, Senior Vice President, to discuss the current state of the secondaries market and how, through the use of AI, we can hope to win by uncovering the hidden gems and, most importantly of all, avoid the banana skins.
- Equities
- Papers
After a horrendous 2022, where equities and bonds were hammered and the only safe haven appeared to be oil producers and commodities, 2023 has seen a revival of optimism in developed equity markets, while emerging markets have continued to suffer from the sluggish environment in China.
- Private equity
- Papers
We are half way through another year – a good time to take a look back and reflect on the most recent market activity to see what broad trends we can detect for the year to date. Overall, while investment activity remained subdued in Q2, we saw an encouraging increase in exits. To some, this gives the impression that things are beginning to settle down and that the worst might be behind us. However, it is still too early to tell if this was a one-off phenomenon or rather a sign of better times ahead. Nonetheless, it was welcome news to many cash-strapped investors.
- Private equity
- Awards
Unigestion has won “Private Equity Manager of the Year” at the European Pensions Awards 2023 for the third year in a row. The award, which Unigestion has now won six times, recognises our expertise in the private equity space and our passion for helping Europe’s pension funds get the most from this complex area of the market.
- Equities
- Papers
With rates at their highest for the past two decades, and fixed income allocation at the lowest due to the bloodbath for duration in 2022, many pension plans intend to reduce their equity allocation to collect the highest coupons they’ve seen for a long time.
In this paper, we argue that all equities should not be treated equally in that reallocation move – while rebuilding a material fixed income exposure makes sense, some equity strategies should not be used to fund this reallocation, namely low volatility equities.
- Private equity
- Papers
Despite anecdotal reports of scattered deal doing, the odd headline-grabbing exit and multiple fund managers on the road fundraising, the overall market data continues to show subdued activity.
The post-COVID heights reached in 2021 remain a distant memory. Investment activity in Q3 was stable vs Q2 but the overall year-to-date is almost 40% down vs the same period last year.
- Private equity
- Events
We are delighted to share with you the replay of our latest webinar “Profit from sustainable growth through climate investing”. Alessandro Laurent, Portfolio Manager, was joined by Sara Razmpa, Head of Responsible Investment, Edward Gladwyn, Portfolio Manager, and Eoin Maher, Fundamental Analyst, to discuss the significant growth opportunities presented by the path to a low carbon economy, by leveraging acyclical growth via Enablers in combination with best-in-class Mitigators.
- Private equity
- Press releases
Unigestion*, the independent specialist asset manager, has acquired 100% of Springer Nature’s business for mobility education and training solutions via a carve-out.
- Wealth management
- Papers
Is optimism warranted as we close the first half of 2023? The performance of equity markets in H1 could suggest so. Stocks have rallied as the macro environment has provided a relatively good mix of rapidly falling inflation with growth holding up and the largest part of rate hikes in this cycle now behind us. The latter effect seems to be driving sentiment, although central bankers have been clear that their inflation job is making progress but is not complete. In the second half of the year, investors will witness economies that are slowing as credit conditions deteriorate and financial stress coming and going on a regular basis.
- Private equity
- Papers
While 2022 ended with a surge in investment activity, 2023 has begun with a whimper. Driven by continued macro uncertainty around increasing interest rates, untamed inflation and questionable growth, private equity managers have largely slowed down their investment pace. Investment activity was less than half that of the first quarter of 2022.
Meanwhile, exit activity was down by the same proportion, albeit off an already low base.
- Private equity
- Papers
While 2022 ended with a surge in investment activity, 2023 has begun with a whimper. Driven by continued macro uncertainty around increasing interest rates, untamed inflation and questionable growth, private equity managers have largely slowed down their investment pace. Investment activity was less than half that of the first quarter of 2022.
Meanwhile, exit activity was down by the same proportion, albeit off an already low base.